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Product 9 / 10
The Spectre is a new developed high performance 7-cell with a broad performance spectrum. In deep brakes it flies -even with slow forward speed- very stable and controlled and has therefore all the docile characteristics of the 7-cell family. With higher forward speeds it has the characteristics of a modern 9-cell, a flat glide angle, fast turns without oversteering, and excellent landing capabilities with a nice swoop. The openings are on heading and very soft.
The spectre is preferred by skydivers, which not only look for max flight performance, but want a parachute with versatile and special flight characteristics. (such as Demojumpers, CRWorkers, Skysurfers, Camerapersons)
Technical Info: Slight elliptical Shape, 7 Cells, Zero-Porosity-Fabric, Collapsible Slider
Free Options: Suspension Lines: 825 Microline (Standard), 550 lb. Microline or 525 lb. Dacron. Connector Links: Standard Links, Mini Links or Slinks (Soft-Links)
Wing Load Chart
Order information
Orders can be done over the online-shop, per order formular, stock list, e-mail, fax, telephone or by mail
The Spectre is a new developed high performance 7-cell with a broad performance spectrum. In deep brakes it flies -even with slow forward speed- very stable and controlled and has therefore all the docile characteristics of the 7-cell family. With higher forward speeds it has the characteristics of a modern 9-cell, a flat glide angle, fast turns without oversteering, and excellent landing capabilities with a nice swoop. The openings are on heading and very soft.
The spectre is preferred by skydivers, which not only look for max flight performance, but want a parachute with versatile and special flight characteristics. (such as Demojumpers, CRWorkers, Skysurfers, Camerapersons)
Technical Info: Slight elliptical Shape, 7 Cells, Zero-Porosity-Fabric, Collapsible Slider
Free Options: Suspension Lines: 825 Microline (Standard), 550 lb. Microline or 525 lb. Dacron. Connector Links: Standard Links, Mini Links or Slinks (Soft-Links)
Wing Load Chart
CANOPY MODEL | AREA (Sq.Ft.) | VOLUME (Cu.In.) | Novice (Kg/Lbs) | INT (Kg/Lbs) | ADV (Kg/Lbs) | EXP (Kg/Lbs) | Max (Kg/Lbs) |
Spectra 97 | 97 | 281 | N/R | N/R | 44/97 | 57/126 | 70/155 |
Spectra 107 | 107 | 296 | N/R | N/R | 48/107 | 62/139 | 77/171 |
Spectra 120 | 120 | 321 | 46/102 | 51/114 | 54/120 | 70/156 | 86/192 |
Spectra 135 | 135 | 354 | 52/114 | 57/128 | 61/135 | 79/175 | 97/216 |
Spectra 150 | 150 | 413 | 61/135 | 67/150 | 74/165 | 88/195 | 108/240 |
Spectra 170 | 170 | 455 | 69/153 | 76/170 | 84/187 | 99/221 | 115/255 |
Spectra 190 | 190 | 475 | 77/171 | 85/190 | 94/209 | 102/228 | 120/266 |
Spectra 210 | 210 | 515 | 85/189 | 94/210 | 104/231 | 113/252 | 123/273 |
Spectra 230 | 230 | 532 | 98/218 | 103/230 | 114/253 | 124/276 | 134/299 |
 |  |  | N/R = Not Recommended |  |  |  |
Order information
Orders can be done over the online-shop, per order formular, stock list, e-mail, fax, telephone or by mail
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