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You are here: / Main Canopies / Performance Designs
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The Pulse is a new developed high performance 9-cell canopy. Information will follow shortly.
Technical Info: Slight elliptical Shape, 9 Cells, Low bulk with Zero-Porosity-Fabric, Collapsible Slider
Free Options: Suspension Lines: 825 Microline (Standard), 550 lb. Microline or 525 lb. Dacron. Connector Links: Standard Links, Mini Links or Slinks (Soft-Links)
The Pulse is a new developed high performance 9-cell canopy. Information will follow shortly.
Technical Info: Slight elliptical Shape, 9 Cells, Low bulk with Zero-Porosity-Fabric, Collapsible Slider
Free Options: Suspension Lines: 825 Microline (Standard), 550 lb. Microline or 525 lb. Dacron. Connector Links: Standard Links, Mini Links or Slinks (Soft-Links)
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