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ICARUS Omni, the ultimate 7-cell tapered canopy. This all purpose canopy offers soft on-heading openings, predictable flight characteristics, light toggle and riser pressure, and greater flare than any other 7-cell design. The Omni is ideal for intermediate and/or experienced skydivers, usable for all facets of modern skydiving.
Recommended Wing Loading: 0.75 - 1.5 psf
Standard sizes: 99, 109, 119, 129, 139, 149, 169, 189
ICARUS Omni, the ultimate 7-cell tapered canopy. This all purpose canopy offers soft on-heading openings, predictable flight characteristics, light toggle and riser pressure, and greater flare than any other 7-cell design. The Omni is ideal for intermediate and/or experienced skydivers, usable for all facets of modern skydiving.
Recommended Wing Loading: 0.75 - 1.5 psf
Standard sizes: 99, 109, 119, 129, 139, 149, 169, 189
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