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The ICARUS NEOS is the finest high performance canopy in the market today. Its innovative aerodynamic and structural design characteristics, the new ARC1 Bracing (Advanced Rib Construction), the innovative SICS1 (Synchronized Inflow Control System) and the ERAS (Enhanced Ram Air Stabilizers) mark a new era in ram air canopy design technology.
Recommended Wing Loading: 1.8 to 2.4 PSF
The ICARUS NEOS is the finest high performance canopy in the market today. Its innovative aerodynamic and structural design characteristics, the new ARC1 Bracing (Advanced Rib Construction), the innovative SICS1 (Synchronized Inflow Control System) and the ERAS (Enhanced Ram Air Stabilizers) mark a new era in ram air canopy design technology.
Recommended Wing Loading: 1.8 to 2.4 PSF
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