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As opposed to the conventional F-111 canopies the Silhouette excels with its better agility and ease of operation. Through its blended fabric construction (top skin zero-porosity-fabric / bottom skin F-111) it is easy to pack and has a longer life span than a pure F-111 parachute.
The openings are soft and on heading, as one can expect from a modern canopy. The glide ratio is excellent. On steering inputs it reacts with quick and controlled turns, which can be stopped easily and uncomplicated. Canopy size and jumper weight should fit together, then you get a docile canopy with outstanding landing characteristics and a good performance.
Technical Information: Slightly elliptical Shape, 9 Cells, Zero-Porosity Top Skin, F-111 Bottom Skin, regular Slider
Free Options: Suspension lines: 825 Microline (Standard), 550 lb. Microline or 525 lb. Dacron Connector Links: Standard Links, Mini Links or Soft Links
Wing Load Chart
Order information
Orders can be done over the online-shop, per order formular, stock list, e-mail, fax, telephone or by mail
As opposed to the conventional F-111 canopies the Silhouette excels with its better agility and ease of operation. Through its blended fabric construction (top skin zero-porosity-fabric / bottom skin F-111) it is easy to pack and has a longer life span than a pure F-111 parachute.
The openings are soft and on heading, as one can expect from a modern canopy. The glide ratio is excellent. On steering inputs it reacts with quick and controlled turns, which can be stopped easily and uncomplicated. Canopy size and jumper weight should fit together, then you get a docile canopy with outstanding landing characteristics and a good performance.
Technical Information: Slightly elliptical Shape, 9 Cells, Zero-Porosity Top Skin, F-111 Bottom Skin, regular Slider
Free Options: Suspension lines: 825 Microline (Standard), 550 lb. Microline or 525 lb. Dacron Connector Links: Standard Links, Mini Links or Soft Links
Wing Load Chart
CANOPY MODEL | AREA (Sq.Ft.) | VOLUME (Cu.In.) | STUDENT (Kg/Lbs) | BEG (Kg/Lbs) | INT (Kg/Lbs) | ADV (Kg/Lbs) | Max (Kg/Lbs) |
Silhouette 135 | 135 | 312 | N/R | 45/101 | 52/115 | 61/135 | 79/175 |
Silhouette 150 | 150 | 338 | N/R | 50/112 | 58/128 | 68/150 | 88/195 |
Silhouette 170 | 170 | 364 | 53/119 | 57/127 | 65/145 | 77/170 | 99/221 |
Silhouette 190 | 190 | 416 | 60/133 | 64/142 | 73/162 | 86/190 | 102/228 |
Silhouette 210 | 210 | 468 | 66/147 | 71/157 | 81/179 | 95/210 | 113/252 |
Silhouette 230 | 230 | 520 | 72/161 | 77/172 | 88/196 | 103/230 | 124/276 |
 |  |  | N/R = Not Recommended |  |  |  |
Order information
Orders can be done over the online-shop, per order formular, stock list, e-mail, fax, telephone or by mail
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Product 5 / 10