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If you are serious about C.R.W., then there really is only one choice, the P.D. Lightning. The Lightning is not just a "regular canopy with C.R.W. lines", it is a specific canopy for a specific job...canopy relative work. C.R.W. requirements are unique. The Lightning is designed and built to satisfy those requirements. From pilot chute and bridle retraction system, to heavy duty reinforcement, special trims to tail pockets, the Lightning has what you need to perform at your best. The Lightning is available in all Zero P construction (terminal deployments are NOT RECOMMENDED on all zero P Lightings), combination (Zero P top skin only) or entirely low porosity fabric (F111 type).
There are a variety of trims, line lengths and other options to tailor your Lightning to you specific needs. Whether its setting world records for the largest formation or the fastest rotation times, the Lightning is the number one C.R.W. canopy in the world. If canopy relative work is your specialty then the Lightning is waiting for you!
Technical Info: Square Design, 7 Cells, Suspension Lines: 525 lb. Dacron.
Free Options: Line Length: 8-ft. to 10-ft.. Trims: Sequential, Demo, Rotation. Nose Reinforcement. Tail Pockets.
Wing Load Chart
Order information
Orders can be done over the online-shop, per order formular, stock list, e-mail, fax, telephone or by mail
If you are serious about C.R.W., then there really is only one choice, the P.D. Lightning. The Lightning is not just a "regular canopy with C.R.W. lines", it is a specific canopy for a specific job...canopy relative work. C.R.W. requirements are unique. The Lightning is designed and built to satisfy those requirements. From pilot chute and bridle retraction system, to heavy duty reinforcement, special trims to tail pockets, the Lightning has what you need to perform at your best. The Lightning is available in all Zero P construction (terminal deployments are NOT RECOMMENDED on all zero P Lightings), combination (Zero P top skin only) or entirely low porosity fabric (F111 type).
There are a variety of trims, line lengths and other options to tailor your Lightning to you specific needs. Whether its setting world records for the largest formation or the fastest rotation times, the Lightning is the number one C.R.W. canopy in the world. If canopy relative work is your specialty then the Lightning is waiting for you!
Technical Info: Square Design, 7 Cells, Suspension Lines: 525 lb. Dacron.
Free Options: Line Length: 8-ft. to 10-ft.. Trims: Sequential, Demo, Rotation. Nose Reinforcement. Tail Pockets.
Wing Load Chart
CANOPY MODEL | AREA (Sq.Ft.) | VOLUME Cu.In.) | INT (Kg/Lbs) | ADV (Kg/Lbs) | EXP (Kg/Lbs) | Max (Kg/Lbs) |
Lightning 126 | 126 | 312 | N/R | 57/126 | 102/227 | 102/227 |
Lightning 143 | 143 | 338 | 45/100 | 64/143 | 106/236 | 106/236 |
Lightning 160 | 160 | 390 | 51/112 | 72/160 | 119/264 | 119/264 |
Lightning 176 | 176 | 416 | 55/123 | 79/176 | 127/282 | 127/282 |
Lightning 193 | 193 | 468 | 61/135 | 87/193 | 130/290 | 130/290 |
Lightning 218 | 218 | 520 | 69/153 | 98/218 | 137/305 | 137/305 |
Lightning 235 | 235 | 573 | 74/165 | 106/235 | 137/305 | 137/305 |
Lightning 253 | 253 | 627 | 80/177 | 114/253 | 137/305 | 137/305 |
 |  |  | N/R = Not Recommended |  |  |
Order information
Orders can be done over the online-shop, per order formular, stock list, e-mail, fax, telephone or by mail
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Product 5 / 10